Avis (109) · En stock
This is the complete start to finish guide to doing influential action research. It is the ideal companion for students and researcher-practitioners.
This book gives you all you need to know about action research, why you need to know it and how it can help you become a self-reflective practitioner-researcher ...
10 avr. 2017 · This book gives you all you need to know about action research, why you need to know it and how it can help you become a self-reflective ...
Action Research: All You Need to Know

Action Research: All You Need to Know

Livre de Jean McNiff
3,9/5 · Goodreads
Date de publication originale : 1988
Auteure : Jean McNiff
Genre : Ouvrage de référence
This is the complete start to finish guide to doing influential action research. It is the ideal companion for students and researcher-practitioners.
Avis (109) · En stock
This book gives you all you need to know about action research, why you need to know it and how it can help you become a self-reflective practitioner- ...
Summary: "This book gives you all you need to know about action research, why you need to know it and how it can help you become a self-reflective ...
This book is a complete guide to action research. It is written to help you to undertake an action enquiry, and produce a quality report for publication and.
Avis (29)
10 avr. 2017 · This book gives you all you need to know about action research, why you need to know it and how it can help you become a self-reflective ...
11 juil. 2017 · Accessible and insightful, this is the complete start to finish guide to doing influential action research. It is the ideal companion for ...
Action Research: All You Need to Know · J. McNiff · Published 10 April 2017 · Education, Sociology.