Avis (22)
You and Your Action Research Project is packed full of useful advice to take the reader through the various stages of an action research project.
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You and Your Action Research Project is packed full of useful advice to take the reader through the various stages of an action research project.
6 avr. 2016 · You and Your Action Research Project is packed full of useful advice to take the reader through the various stages of an action research ...
This book gives practical guidance on doing an action research project as part of an award-bearing course. Packed with useful advice.
What are the most effective ways of planning and doing action research projects?This book gives practical guidance on doing an action research project.
Avis (31)
You and Your Action Research Project is packed full of useful advice to take the reader through the various stages of an action research project.
You and your action research project

You and your action research project

Livre de Jean McNiff
3,2/5 · Goodreads 3,2/5 · AbeBooks
Date de publication originale : 1996
Auteure : Jean McNiff
Genres : Thèse et Ouvrage de référence
Autres questions
What is action research Mcniff?
Action researchers enquire into their own. Action research is an enquiry conducted by the self into the self. You, a practitioner, think about your own life and work, and this involves you asking yourself why you do the things that you do, and why you are the way that you are.
How to do an action research project?
Step 1: Identifying and Limiting the Topic. ...
Step 2: Gathering Information. ...
Step 3: Reviewing the Related Literature. ...
Step 4: Developing a Research Plan. ...
Step 5: Implementing the Plan and Collecting Data. ...
Step 6: Analyzing the Data. ...
Step 7: Developing an Action Plan. ...
Step 8: Sharing and Communicating the Results.
Avis (31) · En stock
What are the most effective ways of planning and doing action research projects? You and Your Action Research Project gives practical guidance on doing an ...
This book gives practical guidance on doing an action research project. Written for practitioners across professions who are studying on work-based learning ...
En stock
This book gives practical guidance on doing an action research project as part of an award-bearing course. Packed with useful advice, ...
En stock
You and Your Action Research Project is packed full of useful advice to take the reader through the various stages of an action research project. Written for ...