Essayez avec cette orthographe : fanfuel
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual than other Perfons , howfoever they may appear " otherwife in the Sight of Men , efpecially when they argue ... fenfual , where called by the " Ancients Serpents of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good " and Evil . " Whereas ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual and flefbly Steems , it fills the Heart with fenfual and wanton thoughts . 2. The Weak pefs and the Defect of the Imperial part of the Soul , the Reason , and understanding , and this Defect is com monly upon these two occafions ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual exceffes , not fo fit to be described . We may truft Epicurus for this , that there can be no true pleasure without temperance in the ufe of pleasure . And God and reafon have set us no other bounds concerning the use of fenfual ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual man . The word is used only in four other texts , in all the New Teftament ; and in every one of them it fignifies , either animal , or fen- fual , In two of the places our English verfion hath rendered it fenfual , viz . James ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual men , which purfues earth- ly things , is in those who are unregenerate , entire and undivided , and , confequently , the affections and incli- nations of the whole man , do all tend one way , and run out towards thofe things in ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual appetite , to take notice of truth when they have found it . Not to fuffer one's felf to be fenfualized by pleafures , like thofe who were changed into brutes by Circe . Pope . SENSUALLY , adv . [ from fenfual . ] In a fenfual ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual ) A carnal perfon ; one devoted to corporal pleasures . South Dav SENSUALITY./ . [ froin fenfual . ] Addiction to brutal and corporal pleasures . To SE'NSUALIZE.v . a . [ from fenfual . ] To fink to fenfual pleasures ; to ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual appetite , to take notice of truth . L'Er . Far as creation's ample range extends , The scale of fenjual , mental pow'rs afcends . Pope . 2. Pleafing to the fenses ; carnal ; not fpiritual . → The greatest part of men are fuch ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual pleasure , muft certainly give it a manifold real value ; and we fhould be ignorant both of man and his wants , were we to refuse it him altogether , or account it to him for a fin , that as a fenfual being he fhould enjoy fenfual ...
"fenfual" sur
... fenfual propenfities , Jefus Chrift our Lord - for it but of our rational facul- demonftrably appears that I , ties . the very fame perfon , who with my rational powers ap- prove the law of God , am , at the fame time , with my fen- fual ...