Spirometry, derived from the Latin words SPIRO (to breathe) and METER (to measure), is a medical test which provides diagnostic information to assess a patient's lung function. The spirometer was originally invented in the 1840's by John Hutchinson an English surgeon.
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When was spirometry invented?
However, the true beginning of modern pulmonary function testing (PFT) can be dated to 1846, when John Hutchinson, an English physician, invented the spirometer by taking a common gasometer and turning it into a precision instrument for measuring the volume exhaled by human beings.
6 déc. 2013
Why did John Hutchinson invent the spirometer?
John Hutchinson, a surgeon, recognized that the volume of air that can be exhaled from fully inflated lungs is a powerful indicator of longevity. He invented the spirometer to measure what he called the vital capacity, ie, the capacity to live.
Who invented lung capacity?
In 1798, Thomas Beddoes, with the help of his colleagues Humphry Davy, James Watt and William Clayfield at the Pneumatic Institution in England, created a “mercurial airholder and breathing machine” capable of accurately measuring lung capacity (figure 1).
5 oct. 2021
Who invented the PFT?
The invention of the modern spirometer is credited to John Hutchinson of England.
John Hutchinson, the inventor of the spirometer--hisnorthcountrybackground, life in London, and scientific achievements - PMC.
5 oct. 2021 · 175 years have elapsed since John Hutchinson introduced the world to his version of an apparatus that had been in development for nearly two ...
1846 The water spirometer measuring vital capacity was developed by a surgeon named John Hutchinson. He invented a calibrated bell inverted in water, which ...
John Hutchinson, a surgeon, recognized that the volume of air that can be exhaled from fully inflated lungs is a powerful indicator of longevity.
John Hutchinson, a surgeon, invented a calibrated bell, inverted in water, in order to be able to capture and measure the volume of exhaled air from fully ...
6 déc. 2013 · However, the true beginning of modern pulmonary function testing (PFT) can be dated to 1846, when John Hutchinson, an English physician, ...
John Hutchinson, a surgeon, recognized that the volume of air that can be exhaled from fully inflated lungs is a powerful indicator of longevity. He invented ...
4. Spriggs, EA. John Hutchinson, the inventor of the spirometer: his north country background, life in London, and scientific achievement. Med ...
Hutchinson invented the spirometer, a device for measuring lung capacity, which he used while evaluating candidates for life insurance as a surgeon for ...