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Calvinism is an ambiguous term in so far as it is currently employed in two or three senses, closely related indeed, and passing insensibly into one another.
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Who is a famous Calvinist?
Is all reformed theology Calvinist?
What is the biggest radical belief of Calvinists?
Were the founding fathers Calvinist?
He was at first a strict Calvinist, but while engaged in investigating and defending the Calvinistic doctrines against the writings of Dirik Volckaerts zoon ...
2 juin 2012 · I wouldn't say it's too "Catholic." After having read all 8 volumes, he's a Reforemd calvinist in his presuppositions.
Nevin soon received help from Swiss German historian Philip Schaff, who arrived in the United States in 1844. Schaff's strengths as a church historian were ...
Schaff is, of course, best known for editing and publishing the writings of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, as well as the Creeds of Christendom. As for the ...
Warning: Schaff is a Calvinist and also believes in infant baptism. It is important to separate Schaff's actual historic observations, like: "the early ...
17 juin 2023 · On the topic of repentance, the truth is simply this: the traditional Free Grace view of repentance as “a change of mind” actually goes back ...
25 oct. 2016 · Background. In 1844 the newly formed seminary of the German Reformed Church called Philip Schaff to be professor of Church history.
It seems that in general, Philip Schaff was more gracious to the Puritans than Nevin. Schaff more often implemented the principle of “take the good, leave ...
This article attempts to regard Philip Schaff in a transatlantic religious and intellectual context. It is part of a larger project on European perceptions of ...