And evangelical religion reaches stability only when the sinful soul rests in humble, self-emptying trust purely on the God of grace as the immediate and sole ...
Autres questions
What denomination was Philip Schaff?
Who is a famous Calvinist?
What religion is closest to Calvinism?
Were any of the founding fathers Calvinist?
1. Calvin was, first of all, a theologian. He easily takes the lead among the systematic expounders of the Reformed system of Christian doctrine. He is scarcely ...
Calvinism, as we have seen, starts from a double decree of absolute predestination, which antedates creation, and is the divine program of human history.
2 juin 2012 · Any thoughts on Schaff's work? I've wanted to start reading more church history from a Protestant perspective and his 8 vol. set is on sale for under $50 right ...
21 oct. 2010 · Calvin was twenty-five years younger than Luther and Zwingli, and had the great advantage of building on their foundation.
Philip Schaff (January 1, 1819 – October 20, 1893) was a Swiss-born, German-educated Protestant theologian and ecclesiastical historian, who spent most of ...
Warning: Schaff is a Calvinist and also believes in infant baptism. It is important to separate Schaff's actual historic observations, like: "the early ...
The Bible gives us a theology which is more human than Calvinism and more divine than Arminianism, and more Christian than either of them. Philip Schaff.
Enter Schaff. Nevin soon received help from Swiss German historian Philip Schaff, who arrived in the United States in 1844. Schaff's strengths as a church ...
7 nov. 2018 · It served as the American theological seminary of the German Reformed Church. Philip Schaff was born in 1819, and he died in 1893. His life, ...