On a mono-bachelor course, you will study one main subject (at least 120 credit points). On a combined bachelor course, you will study two subjects.
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Find 69 Bachelor's and 37 Master's programs 🏛 Germany's largest database of English-taught study programs ✓ top rankings, fees, deadlines, requirements.
An overview of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin you can find in our "Course catalogue".
Courses taught in English are available in philosophy, sociology, American studies, art history, economics, business administration, English language & ...
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Find every English-taught Master's degree from Humboldt University Berlin, organised by subjects and best info to help you select the right degree.
Master in English, 2 years, main course language: German; additional language(s): English; Master in English Literatures, 2 years, main course language: English ...
il y a 4 jours · HU Berlin courses include Business, Economics, Arts and Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Language, Literature, Life Sciences and more.
HU Berlin offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and law. The university has a strong ...
Are you interested in studying "English" in Germany? Find the right degree programme among over 21000 courses in Germany.
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Find every English-taught Short Course from Humboldt University Berlin, organised by subjects and best info to help you select the right degree.