"The Celestial Railroad", 1843, is a short story by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. In the allegorical tale, Hawthorne adopts the style and content of the ...
4 juil. 2013 · Full text of the story by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Autres questions
What is the main idea of the celestial railroad?
Who is Apollyon in the Celestial Railroad?
What replaced the roll of parchment in the Celestial Railroad?
"Le chemin de fer céleste", 1843, est une nouvelle de l'auteur américain Nathaniel Hawthorne. Dans le conte allégorique, Hawthorne adopte le style et le contenu de l'allégorie du XVIIe siècle The Pilgrim's Progress de John Bunyan. Wikipédia (anglais)
Date de publication originale : mai 1843
Auteur : Nathaniel Hawthorne
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The story focuses on the narrator's journey from the City of Destruction on the titular Celestial Railroad that will supposedly bring him to the Celestial City.
Hawthorne's pilgrim takes the new and improved route, traveling on the Celestial Railroad. The author's insights into modern Christianity will challenge you.
A railroad has recently been built from the 'City of Destruction' to the 'Celestial City'. Sadly, this railroad never arrives at its promised destination.
Poignant and revealing play on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. Interesting Hawthorne's insights into the culture of the Industrial Revolution juxtaposed ...
19 janv. 2024 · Explore "The Celestial Railroad" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Learn the summary, study the in-depth analysis, and review the main ideas and imagery in...
Plans for building the smallest railroad in the world, the Jupiter and Lake Worth Railroad, were announced on June 8, 1887. The narrow-gauge line was planned to ...
4 déc. 2024 · The Celestial Railroad, allegorical short story by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1843 and included in his short-story ...