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This eight volume work begins with the early Church and ends at 1605 with the Swiss Reformation. Schaff's treatment is comprehensive and in depth.
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This volume concludes the history of the productive period of the Reformation, in which Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin were the chief actors.
27 nov. 2002 · This volume constitutes the second part of. THE HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION by Philip Schaff. It is included as Volume VIII in the 8-volume.
They are the first public statement of the Reformed faith, but they never attained symbolical authority, and were superseded by maturer confessions. They ...
During the second half of the nineteenth century the great historian of Christianity Philip Schaff undertook the writing of a history of the Christian church.
Philip Schaff's History of the Christian Church excels at providing an impressive and instructive historical treatment of the Christian church.
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History Of The Christian Church Volume VIII : Modern Christianity, The Swiss Reformation. Schaff, Philip. Published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company ...
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Title: History of the Christian Church, Volume VIII: Modern Christianity. The Swiss Reformation. - eBook. By: Philip Schaff Format: DRM Free ePub
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What is the history of Christian church?
History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff Contents Volume 1: Apostolic Christianity, a.d. 1-100. Prefaces to Volume 1. General Introduction
Warning: Schaff is a Calvinist and also believes in infant baptism. It is important to separate Schaff's actual historic observations, like: "the early ...