over it . It is the vast amount of money needlessly spent in " author's ... OK'd for production , " if they would think of it as the last chance for ... GEORGE H. ANDREW Manager of Traffic and Production Sullivan , Stauffer , Colwell ...
... OK'd for production , " if they would think of it as the last chance for ... GEORGE H. ANDREW Manager of Traffic and Production Sullivan , Stauffer , Colwell ... in " author's altera- tions . " ( The term " author's alterations " is ...
Ce livre révèle comment Gorge profonde a été la source secrète de Bob Woodward, journaliste au ##Washington Post##, pour ses articles sur le scandale du Watergate.
Un petit escargot souhaitait avoir la plus grande maison. Il fit donc en sorte de l'agrandir, tant et si bien qu'elle devint trop lourde à transporter.