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"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
John Gibson Lockhart. During this visit to London , Sir Walter appears to have been consulted by several persons in author- ity as to the project of a Society of Literature , for which the King's patronage had been solicited , and which ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
Complete in Ten Vols Walter Scott. " The times of Virgil please me better , because he had | tions can veil mutual ... in author of distinguished merit to announce his hay - high power , but who , in the course of a few months , ing ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
Sir Walter Scott. remarks on the circumstances under which their exertions have been called forth . It is a frequent subject of ... in- author is one , though by no surance against loss ; just as a knowing jockey , destitute of other ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
... of publi- cation , v . 60. Plan and progress of the composition , 61 , 125 , 128 . Names of the correspondents , 61 . The letters characteristic of their Publication of , in author , 63 . January 1816 , 129. Success of , 130 . - iv . 58 ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
... Sir WALTER SCOTT , Bart . 18mo . HISTORY OF THE BIBLE . BY the Rev. G. R. GLEIG . In 2 vols . 18mo.with maps of ... In Author of ' Pelham , ' & c . 12mo . AFFECTING SCENES ; being Pas- sages from the Diary of a Physi- cian , 18mo ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
William Stirling Maxwell Robert Guy. ADDRESS ON THE CENTENARY OF SIR WALTER SCOTT , BART . , in proposing " The ... in author's own copy . With specially Fol . printed lists , 2 pp . , after List of Illustrations . Notice of the ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
... Sir Morgan O'Doherty , Bart . James Fraser , 215 , Regent - street , London ; John Anderson , jan . Edinburgh ... Walter Scott's Tales of a Grandfather . First , Second , and Third Series . New editions . 10s . 6d . each . Also ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
... Scott , Sir Walter , bart . - continued . - Fair maid of Perth . ( Waverley novels , v . 42- 43. ) 2 v . S. Edin . 1879 . 2 $ 18 Fortunes of Nigel . anon . ( Waverley novels , Parker's ed . , v . 13. ) 2 v . in 1. O. B. 1853 . 2 $ 19 Scott ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
... ( Sir W. ) ] Account of several New Inventions and Improvements necessary for England relating to Ship Building ... Scott ( Sir Walter ) . Waverley , presentation copy , with in- scription in author's hand on half - title , 3 vol . , 1814 -- ...
"inauthor: sir Walter Scott (bart.)" sur
... Sir Walter Scott , Bart . Illustrated . New Edition . Crown 8vo , 38. 6d . CHARLES MARVIN , Author of " Merv , the ... IN Author of " A Ride to Khiva , " " On Horseback through Asia Minor , " & c . being a Comparison between the ...