Assuming no prior knowledge of research methods and techniques, this book is the perfect companion for teachers at all levels undergoing professional development who need to enhance their formal reflection skills.
Many practice-based researchers have expert knowledge of doing research but often experience difficulties when writing it up and communicating the significance of what they have done. This book aims to help bridge the gap.
This book gives you all you need to know about action research, why you need to know it and how it can help you become a self-reflective practitioner-researcher.
The book answers calls for evidence-based practice in sales education, placing special emphasis on the strength of a values-based approach over the outmoded manipulative models of the past (many of which are still in evidence).
This book is intended for undergraduate student nurses, qualified practising nurses in clinical settings who may or may not be engaged in formal professional education courses and nurse educators and managers.
This is a beginners' guide to action research, though experienced action researchers may find it useful too. It is written in reader-friendly, accessible language, with lots of examples and exercises.