... fan, Fuel Oil Heater. 3 blocks from High School, one block from Williams Heights Qramma? School. 514 Suwance Drive, 3 bed rooms, Attic Fan, Fuel Oil Heater, Venetian Blinds. 803 Scruggs street near all schools. 601 Laurel street, a bed ...
... - Automatic, air. MUST SELL. $2500 or best offer. 339-6425. MUSTANG, 1980- Automatic, 4- cylinder, air. power steering, power brakes, AM FM cassette, low mileage A sport model with fanfuel economy tastic fuel economy. He.
HIGH SCHOOL. 3 bedroom home — 2 with twin beds. Attractively and well furnished, fireplace, attic fan, fuel oil heater. Oversize garage has laundry facilities.
... fan, fuel oil heater, fully and nicely furnished. Choice location, near church & bus line. Shown only by appointment. C. H. DOMM, Realtor 620— 1st Ave. No. Phone 8966 Extra Low Price - $3,500 TOURIST — See this 4 room bunsra- Inw before ...