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"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
... invincible . To the ordinary traveller , the idea of scaling it appears to border on insanity , and even the practised climber almost shudders as he gazes at the stupendous precipices and broken crags which tower up five thousand feet ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
Philip Schaff. ciscans and John XXII.'s theory of the beatific vision , and in 1333 was declared by a commission ... invincible doctor , or , with reference to his advocacy of nominalism , venerabilis inceptor , the venerable ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
Second Series Philip Schaff, Henry Wace. truth raised up a strong and invincible weapon , till the present time , not through lack of ability Apolinarius of Hierapolis , whom we have men- to refute the falsehood or bear testimony for the ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
Philip Schaff. CONFESSIO AUGUSTANA . THE AUGSBURG CONFESSION . A.D. 1530 ... Invincible Em- tori Carolo V. Cæsari Augusto in Comiciis Augustæ . Anno ... Invincible Emperor , Cæsar Augustus , Domine clementissime . Cum V. C. M. ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
Philip Schaff, Henry Wace. 3 endeavor to gain apostolic authority for every advance in the truth raised up a strong and invincible weapon , till the present time , not through lack of ability Apolinarius of Hierapolis , whom we have men ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
Philip Schaff. Christology , on the contrary , he added nothing , and he died shortly before the great Christological ... invincible Athanase , n'a travaillé d'une manière aussi puissante à fonder l'unité catholique . " His very ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
The Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical Notes Philip Schaff. ent , a keen debater , and a ' great ... invincible disputant ' and ' a person of most deep , piercing , and eagle - eyed judgment in all points of contro ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
and invincible . Synergism in order to regeneration be- comes impossible . " ( Page 413. ) Here are the germinal ... Philip Schaff has said : " Some- thing must and will be done to bring the Presbyterian Standards into harmony with ...
"Philip Schaff Invincible" sur
American Revision Committee Philip Schaff. homeliness and beauty . " They were far more studious of the matter than ... invincible . Perpetually in the hands of the people , used in public and private worship , resorted to in all ...