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Page 1. Page 2. History of the Christian Church, Volume I: Apostolic Christianity. A.D. 1-100. Author(s): Schaff, Philip (1819-1893). Publisher: CCEL.
This eight volume work begins with the early Church and ends at 1605 with the Swiss Reformation. Schaff's treatment is comprehensive and in depth.
24 janv. 2019 · History Of The Christian Church, Volume 1. by: Philip Schaff. Publication date: 1882. Topics: History Of The Christian Church, Volume 1, Philip ...
11 nov. 2008 · History of the Christian church ; Volume: 1 ; Item Size: 1.0G ; Addeddate: 2008-11-11 23:49:30 ; Associated-names: Schaff, David Schley, 1852- ; Call ...
Christianity restored in the nineteenth century? Paragraph 1 -Introduction: an overview of the essay. Underlining some of the pre-Reformation patterns that ...
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11 nov. 2013 · This week I happened to come across PDFs of each of the volumes in a classic church history text, History of the Christian Church by Philip ...
The volume includes 12 chapters that discuss topics like the preparation for Christianity through Judaism and paganism, the life of Jesus Christ, the Apostolic ...
27 nov. 2002 · History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity. A.D. 100-325. Title:
This eight volume work begins with the early Church and ends at 1605 with the Swiss Reformation. Schaff's treatment is comprehensive and in depth, discussing ...
This volume contains St. Augustine's On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises on Faith, Believing; Moral Treatises on Holy Virginity, Widowhood, Lying, ...