... Kosmokratōr , ' lord of the world ' , ' world ruler ' , occurs in pagan literature as an epithet for gods , rulers , and heavenly bodies . The LXX does not use the term , and in the NT it occurs once , in Eph 6:12 . II . Kosmokrator can ...
... Kosmokrator , ' lord of the world ' , ' world ruler ' , occurs in pagan literature as an epithet for gods , rulers , and heavenly bodies ... a number of gods such as Zeus , Helios , Hermes , and Serapis can be called kosmokrator ... The ...
... KOSMOKRATOR. The creator of the world is also its ruler; he is the Lord of the cosmos, which is permeated by his might. He is the Kosmokrator. The first vision of St. John's Revelation shows the Kosmokrator as the Son of Man. The image ...
... kosmokrator which we quoted . Cicero attributes essentially the same role to an- other cosmic entity as well , namely the sphere of the fixed stars . The entire passage reads as follows : " [ The sphere of the fixed stars ] con- tains ...
... Kosmokrator with the Unknown God, writing, 'My very soul tells me that if the Kosmokrator, the Unknown, at last gives me the kiss of acceptance, that is my happiness' (174). He re-states the belief in natural religion he had articulated ...
... Kosmokrator gewinnt gerade in dieser Zeit dadurch an Boden , daß der Begriff Kosmokrator erstmals als Epitheton in die Kaisertitulatur eindringt2 , ebenso wie das Beiwort åvíkytos bzw. invictus . Beide Begriffe gehören eng zusammen und ...
... Kosmokrator , uncommon Greek word , occurs only here in the Bible . There is no English word for this . This category of powers is far more than a ruler . Supreme pagan gods were often called kosmokrator : e.g. Zeus , Sarapis , Helios ...
The Dweller Areon Potter. World Forces of this Darkness The Greek word Kosmokrator is translated as " world forces of this darkness . " This cannot be referring to Satan since it is used in the plural . Kosmokrator ... signifies a ...
... kosmokrator.54 The peregrinations of Solomon's throne in these traditions clearly appear to represent the ... kosmokrator, with God as the first and the last ruler, to whom uni- versal kingship ostensibly will be returned by the ...
... kosmokrator, which means god of the cosmos. The Greek noun kosmos in verb form is kosmeo, which means to arrange, adorn, or put in order. This is where we get the word cosmetic. The kosmokrator's assign- ment is to cosmetically cover up ...