... kosmokrator, which means god of the cosmos. The Greek noun kosmos in verb form is kosmeo, which means to arrange, adorn, or put in order. This is where we get the word cosmetic. The kosmokrator's assign- ment is to cosmetically cover up ...
... Kosmokrator * there is , in spite of all our efforts at denial . There is a great and terrible Ruler of the cosmos , who gives forth life , and takes back life . The Kosmokrator gives us fresh life every day . But if we refuse the ...
... kosmokrator” for Christ (Op. cit., 2 and 22). “Kosmokrator,” literally the “world-ruler,” was a good classical epithet for Uranus, the god of the sky, or for the planets. By extension the term was also used for the earthly kings, who ...
... kosmokrator. Les kosmokrator - ou dékans - sont des consciences qui gouvernent chacun des 36 dékan du cercle Heimarmene, et tous les 4 degrés il y a une échelle de conscience ou segment galactique. Ces segments sont appelés bikaa, et c ...
... kosmokrator). Kosmokrator means “world-ruling gods” or “rulers of the cosmos” and refers to Satan's demon ambassadors. They function as Satan's own emissaries to the courts and dominant capitals of the world. These powerful agents ...
... Kosmokrator als Herrscher im Kranz des Zeitenlaufes . Ein Weiteres : In beiden Kompositionen werden Allmacht und Auftrag des Kosmokrator personifiziert in dem Bild des Schöpfers und Lenkers der Weltzeit . Ein Drittes : Deutlicher Skopos ...
... kosmokrator, which is a compound of the words kosmos and kratos. The word kosmos denotes something ordered and arranged, and the word kratos describes raw power. When these words are compounded to form kosmokrator, it describes evil ...
... kosmokrator. The kosmokrator, or dekans, govern each of the 36 dekan of the circle of Ananke (360 °), and every 4 segments there is a scale of galactic consciousness. Those 4 segments are called bikaa, and that is the main "significance ...
... Kosmokrator , the Ruler of the World ( we have just seen the Principalities and Powers in Ephesians called the Kosmokratores of Darkness ) . I brought up the Angel of Death in conjunction with DEVIL'S claim in Luke that he has been ...
... Kosmokrator " 55 . Wie den Valentinianern und den anderen Gnostikern geht es ihm darum , das Neue der Offenbarung in Christus zu formulieren56 . Den Kosmokrator Marcions kennt Irenäus übri- gens auch aus der Lehre der Valentinianer ...