"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... PILOT S. SEA PILOTAGE DISTRICT . John Hutchinson ( 1 ) aged 64 Edward Tindle Michael Purvis - 57 John Purvis ( 2 ) Thomas Chambers 53 John L. Burn Ralph Burn ( 1 ) aged 75 William Chambers 73 Gilbert Young Thomas Young ( 1 ) Lancelot ...
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... pilots refused to attend and were threatened with dismissal . Trinity House dismissed the examining panel of pilots and began to examine and license local fishermen . The two senior pilots , John Hutchinson and Robert Blair , went to ...
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... pilots of the port were under the control of the Trinity House , which ... pilot fees which were contributed by the Government , and another was the ... John Hutchinson and Robert Blair , were the leaders of the movement on the ...
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... Pilotage Board , elected July 10 , 1865 , was constituted as under : - Appointed by the Board of Trade , Thomas Salmon , Mathew Hall Atkinson . By the Tyne Improvement Commission , J. C. Stevenson , John Ormston . By the Pilots , John ...
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... PILOT S. SEA PILOTAGE DISTRICT . Licensed to pilot Vessels throughout the ... John Marshall ( 1 ) 59 A. Hogg 53 72 Jacob Harrison 59 John Burn ( 1 ) 52 71 ... Hutchinson 65 John Phillips ( 1 ) 56 John Chambers 45 John Bone ( 2 ) ...
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... John Morton 60 Henry Duncan 42 Thomas Nevens 63 Benjamin Heron ( 1 ) 63 ... Hutchinson 60- William M. Young 48 M. C. Reed 34 John Purvis ( 2 ) 59 James Young ( 1 ) 48 ... pilot Vessels in 54 RETURNS RELATING TO PILOTS AND PILOTAGE ,
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... John Peat John Hutchinson Ages . Names . Ages 49 James Purvis ( 3 ) 39 51 Matthew Houlsby 38 48 Henry Purvis 38 48 Edward C. Burn 37 48 John Phillips ( 2 ) 37 49 Robert H. Burn 37 William Strachan 68 John G. H. Thurlbeck 47 William Young ( ...
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... Pilotage Board.- For Mr. Philipson's amendment - The Chairman , Mr. Ald . Dodds , Mr. Plum- mer , Mr. Ald ... John Hutchinson and Mr. Robt . Blair were elected.- The Board of Trade have appointed Mr. Matt . Hall Atkinson and ...
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
CHEMICAL PIONEERS 10 John Hutchinson of Widnes The tenth article by Dr. D. W. F. Hardie is a biography of John ... PILOT PLANT TECHNIQUES PILOT PLANTS , MODEL AND 14 September 1957 413 CHEMICAL AGE.
"John Hutchinson pilot age" sur
... Pilot service in the year 1798 , at a time when it was recruited by any casual means , instead of , as it is now ... JOHN ROSS HUTCHINSON , ESQ . ( Late of the Bengal Civil Service . ) Mr. Hutchinson was born at Stonehaven , North ...