Om negerslaveriets start i Afrika allerede i romertiden, men især om slaveriet og slavernes forhold i de engelske kolonier i Vestindien og USA op til frigivelsen i 1838.
Examines the practice of slavery as it existed in early Mediterranean civilizations, during the Middle Ages, in Africa, among Indians in the Americas, and in the United States.
In Reckoning with Slavery Jennifer L. Morgan draws on the lived experiences of enslaved African women in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to reveal the contours of early modern notions of trade, race, and commodification in the Black ...
Stephanie Smallwood offers a penetrating look at the process of enslavement from its African origins through the Middle Passage and into the American slave market.
In Race and Slavery in the Middle East, Bernard Lewis explores these questions and others, examining the history of slavery in law, social thought, practice, and literature and art over the last two millennia.
Influential Northerners spearheaded the abolition movement. In this well-researched account, author Linda Jacobs Altman explores how abolitionists used words, money, violence, or simply courage, to fight to free the slaves.